Well done #wlf and supporters #viva Meowberlin College and Conservatory

Thanks to a stalwart supported of the causes close to the hearts of the #wlf the website of Oberlin College and Conservatory was transformed into its proper designation of Meowberlin.

oberlin_april_fool oberlin2 oberlin3 oberlin4 oberlin5

VIVA! #wlf

Well done #wlf helping with #foodforferals

Fantastic video courtesy of @eznore

Do join us in a #chipin to #foodforferals Weds 14 Sept at 8pm BST #wlf

There is a chipin page where you can contribute to #foodforferals

As comrades are aware, @Boudica_cat, @Tarmac_the_cat, and @Lydia_Kitteh were all rescued along with Simba, Spanner and Zoot by @villaninireland. This fine soul feeds a local group of feral cats near their home in Ireland, out of her own pocket. Several members of the #wlf decided to set up this chipin event to help with feeding the ferals, after Tarmac failed to win the recent Summer of the Cat competition. If they had won, she would have used the prize to feed the ferals for a year.

There will be a concerted effort to chipin to help with foodforferals on Wednesday 14 September 2011 from 8.00pm BST (3pm EST) please use #chipin and #foodforferals

@eznore has written a poem entitled ‘hielyng‘ for the occasion.

Many thanks for your attention comrades.

#wlf schedule YOWL 28 August 9pm BST (4pm EST)

This week there is a call to all for a yowl on Sunday 28 August at 9pm (other timezones here) to show support for the staff of @Tarmac_The_Cat to win food for a year for a feral cat colony she looks after. It would be wonderful if everyone could vote for @Tarmac_The_Cat in “The Royal Canin Summer of the Cat Photo Competition” (see here). We have checked the site – it is secure and they have not spammed our email addresses. I’m sure you will agree that the picture of Tarmac, taken when he was a year old, truly does depict Summer. Suggested tweet is:

YOOOWL pls VOTE for @Tarmac_The_Cat http://t.co/QZzICfF If he wins his mum can feed a colony of feral cats #wlf #foodforferals YOOWL pls RT

They walked for Daisy #wlf

Daisy Doo. Copyright TourettesTabby. Used with permission.

Daisy Doo. Copyright TourettesTabby. Used with permission.

Dey walked fur Daisy,
Coz she does need her furrends,
(Anipals stick togethfur)

#PiggieHaiku (no.36) courtesy @SpartyPig

Staff of @Mr_Pie, @DevonScootle and @TourettesTabby2 went on the #walkfordaisy yesterday, and took her a box of goodies from #wlf members.

You can see more great pics from yesterday at TourettesTabby’s Flickr, and Mr Pie’s Flickr accounts.

Here is a video of Daisy sniffing her box.

The staff had made #wlf t-shirts, and a banner, and they did silly things with their hands spelling out WLF. (We KNOW how to spell it, we post on the hashtag regularly…… silly staff).

Teckels Animal Sanctuary is doing a great job looking after Daisy, and they told staff that Daisy may be able to go home soon. They have also updated Daisy’s FaceBook page, and if you look at the photos, you can even see the #wlf card designed by @JessieJaney

Well done #wlf!

Daisy – the first honorary member of the #wlf? #lovefordaisy

Our good friend Daisy.

Our good friend Daisy in a lovely green beret.

I have been sent this picture of our good friend Daisy, who has been awarded a lovely green beret by @TheWLFMilliner. She sent it in the hope that Comrades will consider appointing Daisy as an Honorary Member of the #wlf. I cannot think of a more deserving kitty to receive such an honour.

A card for Daisy from the #wlf

From all at the #wlf to the adorable Daisy.

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Many thanks to @JessieJaney for putting it together.

A HUGE thank you to #wlf for #loveforDaisy

@JessieJaney has compiled the following list of all those #wlf members and their friends who participated in the #yowlforDaisy on Sunday 15 May at 9pm British Summer Time on the #wlf hashtag on Twitter.

The number of likes on Daisy’s Facebook page went up significantly.

@TourettesTabby resigned from Twitter as we had not seen or acted upon the Tweet about Daisy,  and the reaction was astounding. Never have we seen so many #wlf members and their friends yowling for so long and so hard. An hour of yowling must have really taken it out of all those cats and friends!

We must pay homage to all those who participated, some of whom ended up in TwitterJail as a result.

A huge Thank You to all of you. If you yowled, hissed, tailthumped, growled or anything else and your name isn’t here, let me know and I’ll add it.

#wlf – we salute you.

@_LoopyLynn @_pocketdynamo @4leggedTrucker
@555SMOKEY @63mg @angelsarewithu
@Autumncat2007 @Barkingskwerl @batmanrules69
@beachesseashell @BibleCat @BigWidu
@Billymawa @Bionic_Tweets @Bonniethewestie
@Boo_radley1 @brokebackkitten @brutusthedane
@Calico_Princess @CaptainMeow @carlylou
@CarpetScooter @Carto @caspatweets
@cat_a_licious @catfriends @catgirl321
@CathyKeisha @CatRulers @cats_meows
@catsbestfriend @Charshy_pup @chelleloulou
@cheriswan @CindersRkitty @CJdoggirl
@claptonhousecat @cole01 @cooperscats
@cox_tom @danapixie @Dannyspiro22
@DashKitten @DebbieRoe @Destructo_Dog
@DevilOniceSkate @DevonScootle @DickieMcFluff
@die_snuties @diemanuela @DieSchatzen
@DOOMandNEMESIS @EC_Cathouse @Effugiturus
@eldridelephant @ennomane @eriu_anna_peter
@existenciala @Fellbande @FeralTom & Goblin
@FifiFox44 @flacatlady @Flo_Tortoise
@Fredcat_Friends @FreddyVanCat @FreshOtis
@FrufruB @Fudge___X @fuzzyscorpio
@GatoTheo @GeorgeBlackCat @GinaTheMinPin
@glittrgirl @greeboblackcat @habibithecat
@HiFluffyCat @HoSchnauzer @Housepanther
@iamDaisyDoo @IamRubyTheCat @iamtammycat
@IamZorro @ickle_tikkypoo @informedferret
@ItsMeDeaner @izzietherascal @JaniceRand_
@JanizFelidae @Jaxisnotfat @JazzmanCat
@JeremyforPrez @JessieJaney @JinJinDoggy
@JoanntheRedhead @joeybeancat @Jothegiraffe
@katzentweets @kconlon1 @Keely_Bobs
@Keinzahnkatzen @kelz9880 @kezzer63
@King_Flufanella @kingtuttifruiti @kmgirl
@KotzeKatze @laggylife @LaReinaHoney
@lewistenmillion @Lexiedew @LilyLuWhoT
@lilyoliver @livingky @LoPelYr
@lou_brooke @LttleCrow @Lydia_kitteh
@madkatastic @maimecat @manxmnews
@MarceAttacks @mariamush @MarleyJo73
@martenjr @Marzi_Champi @MaximManchester
@Maya_und_Spike @MegConverse @MickeyShortTail
@micki_tweets @MillieCat @MilliesSpektre
@MischiefMoggy1 @MissZoeLuna @MizzBassie
@MogFleetCommand @MogsTogs @Mr_Pie
@MrRipleyAscot @MrTibbsatAP @mscheansachiko
@MuffinTheCat1 @My_cat_hate_you @NemesisRepublic
@NewtonToma @NewttheCat @nicecatstuff
@NicolaPaterson @NikePurrfectCat @Ninacaitlin
@NyxTheNightCat @OldMaidCatLady @OllyTed
@ourcatpack @OwenTheTonk @PalomaTheBoston
@PandoraPerx @patlockley @PepiSmartDog
@Petalbon @PetCrusader @phoebeiscrazy
@Phoenvix @PicklesNutmeg @PiixiiLala
@PixelDoggy @Princess_Merlyn @PuppyNumber7
@purrettykitty @qolduck @QueenTeazle
@RaffiundGordy @ragazzodig @RosieDaFish
@SalvatoredaCat @SaraStokes28 @sassy_sisfurs
@schilakatze @Schnoeselbande @Schwartzville
@scooterkos @Selleman @ShaynaCat
@Shilakatze @shreksmum @siofrathecat
@SnowyWestie @sola_bud @SophiejanH
@SpatmanisCool @Splinteredones @spookyshorty
@StarskyCat @StarSparkle @SuzeeToo
@sweetlilmeesha @Tarmac_The_Cat @Tashysmum
@teddyface_tia @TehWrighty @TerrorCatGang
@TheAbyCat @TheCatzMomzi @thefoxmistress
@TheMillieCat @theredshoegirl @TiaPusscat
@tiddlesfry @tiffany1961 @TigerBoyTheCat
@TiggyBean @tildatoo @Tinncat
@TippyTLawton @TourettesTabby2 @var0sha
@VillaKisu @Vorvolaka @whskr
@wreckhead_queen @zozogirlsmiles