#wlf code (en)

The Whiskas Liberation Front (WLF)

The WLF, known on Twitter as #wlf, is an international collective of socialist cats and sympathetic members of other species (including the odd human and at least on tortoise).

WLF Comrades resist the oppression of cats and campaign for prolific and high quality snacks, such as Dreamies, ham, cheese, sushi and tuna.

Regular patrols of territory, even if is limited to a windowsill, against incursions, are a requirement of every WLF Comrade. Our methods of defence include but are not restricted to widdling, pouncing, hissing and yowling. Although we praise the capture of vermin and insects, we do not condone cruelty or any form of violence.

Comrades demand the softest of cushions for our numerous, lengthy naps and periods of meditation to enable us to ponder the ideals of the proletariat as set out in the WLF Manifesto. Unfortunately, this document  and our membership records have gone missing, so Comrades share information and tales of heroism each time they use the #wlf  to attend a meeting on Twitter.

The WLF will use social media channels to oppose any injustice anywhere in the world whatever species those affected might belong to.

Vidi, Edi, Minxi

NB If leaving a comment on the code PLEASE include your Twitter name e.g. @eldridelephant

448 Responses to #wlf code (en)

  1. Most Esteemed Comrades and Furriends,

    *sits tall & proud, raises right paw* I, Ninja Skills, continue to uphold da code and standards of #wlf and pledge to do so as a catvocate & supporter of anipals worldwide to da best of mah abilities.

    Now dat I is 16 years old, I feel I has earned da #wlf beret. After pledging over 2 years ago, I has not stopped patrolling mah territory (PURRtecting da PURRimeter as an indoor-only cat), and am still PURRmotings & supportings anipals, their caregivers & humans who love, rescue, foster & adopt them worldwide. I demand respect, comfort, safety, security, privacy & at least 2 lavish meals of da royal anipal’s choosing each day for all, plus a nice warm spot for luxuriating and a competent typist for postings.

    I hereby humbly request memPURRship and awardings of da most coveted beret. Mah typist thinks I look best in Dodger blue, but I shall leave dat up to da #WLF Mad Hatter’s expertise & discretion should I be honored and chosen.



    ~~~~~ PURRevious comment from 2014: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    “Ninja Skills (@MrNinjaSkills) says:
    12 June, 2014 at 2:43 am

    *Steps up, stikes a stately pose & raises right paw* I, Ninja Skills, a.k.a. BootBlack WhiskerPants (recently banned profile by POObook), a.k.a. proud Admiral BBWP of Le General’s Army of Animals, handsome house panfur and CEO of NIP: Ninja’s International Petwork, do hereby pledge to uphold the #wlf code, maintain high standards & PURRincipals, and PURRtect da interests of kittehs & anipals worldwide. @MrNinjaSkills”

  2. Theresa says:

    I would be proud to wear the #wlf badge as I.rescue many cats & many are ill & in need @TAZZYdevil13

  3. snoopytheonly says:

    Welcome new cadets’ of the #wlf huggies pals!

  4. Dear Mr.Mad I can vouch that @AshandSlash have had the code read to them, (even if I did have to hold da little bugg…. wee cadets down to keep them still), and they promise to patrol every day, uphold the highest standards of probity in true #wlf fashion and to respect dere older Comrades dignity, (dey sqweeked a bit there), they have already mastered the art of wrangling Dreamies out of the staff, so I respectfully commend them to you for their berets.
    Yours Truly Comrade
    Mimsie Tygurr Toes. (@tourettestabby2) VIVA #WLF

  5. Beano says:

    I Beano Wayne Gacey the panfur brofur of Ryker hereby pledge my allegiance to the cause. I promise to fully exploit my position and to have fun doing it. amen.
    *🐾 * Beano

  6. Socks McFurry says:

    I would very much like to join the #wlf! Cats need a strong voice in this world. I am actually running for president!

  7. Susan Campi says:

    I’d be proud to support The code of code of the #WLF. I also believe in educating the public about the cruelty of trophy hunting elephant.

  8. Susan Campi says:

    As a first time cat owner I have fallen in ridiculous love with my Janis to the point I want to rescue every harmed, starving, neglected kitty I see. I am hopelessly addicted to taking photos of her and spamming Twitter. Im waiting for my friends to sell me on Craigslist. I’m also a dog owner, not a pet owner, who takes my animals health seriously( something I wish all people would do!!) I also have a FB community that advocates and educates the public about the issues behind trophy hunting, specifically elephant. I take the welfare of animals to heart and it is part of my purpose in this lifetime (besides art). I have no problem making a commitment to upholding the code of conduct of WLF as the principles are at the center of my personal ethics that I live and breath for my animals. Thank you for your consideration. Janis Joplin 😺 Naamah 🐶 Lilli 🐶

  9. Sir Jeffy Armstrong says:

    I pledge to uphold #wlf code , for the greater good!

  10. I, Billy the Cat Purrr-mise to whine for fish flakes in the morning, at noon and at night times but will need the flakes purrr-chased from ze shelter to help homeless pals. I purrr-mise to purrr-troll for furmine, to fetch my paper towel ball, purr-fect my stubby tail shke and always luv me Shady lady…oh and to play the artists formely known as Prints everyday. – (paw print) Billy #WLF @myhillbillycat

  11. Angela says:

    I, Billy the Cat Purr-mise to whine for ze fish flakes morning, noon and nite. Only ze flakes purrr-chased from ze shelter. Purrr-mise to purrr-trol for ze furmine, fetch ze paper towel discards, purrr-fect my stubby tail shake, play the artist formerly known as Prints, and always luv my Shady lady. P (paw print) Billy the Cat @myhillbillycat

  12. Crystal says:

    I Crystal promise to execute good deeds, oppose injustice & be a good friend to all #wlf

  13. Boo says:

    I Boo @Boo_Panfur, swear to abide by the #wlfcode and will uphold the greatest respect for the #wlfconfuct. Not only will I protect my own territory but I will through social media oppose injustice for all no matter the species. I will perform good deeds, be a furriend to all and seek tasty noms and comfy spots for the lucky and misfortunate. This is my Pledge.

  14. Cecil Glarum says:

    I Cecil do solemnly swear to abide by all the rules of being a cat! I will honor an protect all felines, cause everybody wants to be a cat!

  15. @Boo_Panfur says:

    I Boo agree to the Code of Conduct of the #wlf and thereby sign 🐾

  16. Thor says:

    I have read the Code of WLF and believe in and have been following its principles. I would like to become a member of WLF and promise to be loyal to my comrades! @ThorSelfies

  17. Thor @ThorSelfies says:

    I have read the Code of WLF and believe in and have been following its principles. I would like to become a member of WLF! Thank you for your consideration.

  18. Prissy says:

    Like my brofurs, Dusty & BooBoo, I do solemnly swear to do my part to promote the code of the #wlf! We believe all anipals are entitled to the best noms, cushions and efurrything else!!!

  19. BooBoo says:

    Like my big brofur, Dusty, I do solemnly swear to do my part to promote the code of the #wlf! We believe all anipals are entitled to the best noms, cushions and efurrything else!!!

  20. everywhrjustice says:

    I would like to join #wlf. I am @everywhrjustice on Twitter.

  21. Miska says:

    Hi I’m Miska new to Twitter @MiskaDCat I’m only 12 weeks old but would love to join up and serve in the WLF and do my duty.

  22. Amanda says:

    My kitty is Akira and doesn’t have long left. He has been greatly helped by #wlfhealingbank and would like to join up to repay some purrs. He pledges to treat all anipals and peoples with respect, eat as many tasty noms as possible and patrol his area in between naps.

    • Amanda (@ginlover37) says:

      Amanda again – I’m really making this difficult aren’t I – my twitter name is @ginlover37. Sorry!

  23. applejack says:

    I would love to join the #wlf as did my sisfur before me. I will abide to the code. If possible could my beret be pink like princess tillys was? Thankyou @bambibrooke

  24. @spuddypuppy says:

    #wlf I @spuddypuppy love kitty’s and I pledge to love all

  25. @spuddypuppy says:

    I’d love to be a wlf member, I love kitty’s even tho I’m a puppy

  26. Selke Mao says:

    I, Selke Mao Thunderpaws Showerista Houdini Smith aka @OccasionalSelke, do solemnly swear to abide to the code and promote #wlf principles everywhere. Cushions and tuna for all!

  27. I pledge to follow the #wlf code and support the felinariat whenever I am able.

  28. I pledge all that is required, including campaigning for the right high-quality foods, the best beds and cushion, to patrol my territory dilligently and social media channels to oppose any injustice anywhere in the world whatever species those affected might belong to.

  29. To all prospective recruits: No need to register on this site with your email address. You can use your Twitter account instead. Simply click on the Twitter icon below the comment box and enter your Twitter account info, then type your pledge in the comment box.

  30. Pingback: Hugo needs a blog | #mycat, Hugo, Tom, @masterkillercat and Friends

  31. snoopytheonly says:

    Happy passing out day to all new comrades!

  32. Blade Blake says:

    @bladeblackcat is my Twitter name. And @blade_the_black_cat is my Instagram name. I’m still trying to get the hang of this Twitter thingo but love looking at my fellow kitty cat. Meow

  33. Proud to be #WLF member! @scissorpawscat

  34. Jean powers says:

    I love this wtf !! Just found it today on Twitter!! My twitter is @Beanie. Abbey & Jackie (& our human caretaker) would like 2 join. We have read the promises & feel the same way. Meow, meow !!

  35. @izzierascal2 says:

    Welcome efurrypawdy! Dreamies and sunpuddles fur all. Viva! #wlf

  36. My – Arnie – @tigernostripes brofur – swear to fight injustice, be a nice and kind friend and live by wlf code standards. I’ll proudly wear the beret with my brofur and be a nice cat.

  37. I pledge to uphold the tenets principles and ethics of the WLF. I would like to become a cadet please. Thank u.

  38. snoopytheonly says:

    Welcome news more for da cuddlepile

  39. snoopytheonly says:

    Welcome to mews! Hurrah

  40. Mr Grady and Little Brady says:

    Hiyaaa!! We iz formally askin tu becum memberz of #wlf We iz snoozers, explorerz, muncherz, and we iz ztremelee social thugz and sweetee pyes. Tank you!! 😻😻

  41. gypsymlee says:

    I, Gypsy @gypsymochi , will pawromise to comply wif the #wlf code. I will pawromote our love fur one another and will look after all of yoos. Now and furever.

  42. gypsymlee says:

    I, Gypsy @gypsymochi would more the honoured to offer my life to #wlf. I will be compliant to the #wlf code, always and fur ever.

  43. Coconut says:

    I, Coconut @festive_fuzz would be honored to join #wlf. I promise to pawtrol regularly and be loyal to the wlf code. This I promise and will always carry on.

  44. Sweet Girl says:

    I SG @Mad_Lov solemnly swear to follow the #WLF code. I Promise be sure staff feeds me only the best food, give me shrimp as my weekend treat and a lifetime of my favorite temptation treat and only give me bottled water to drink. And be sure I am treated like our Egyption royal descendants, which is how it should be. And to always have my heated bed plugged in. It will be an honor to wear the beret.

  45. rosieandzoe says:

    Hello! We read the code and agree 100% with the code and will diligently follow it. We will be kind to other anipals and odd humans. We kindly ask to join WLF. Thank you for your consideration.
    Rosie and Zoe

  46. Else Churchill says:

    @MinnieMoochaCat promises to follow the #wlf code like her sisfur @TankertonMog. It would be an honour to wear a beret

  47. Tiger No Stripes says:

    Hiya comrade! Me, @TigerNoStripes agree with the WLF code, promise to patrol regularly (along with my #ZombieSquad duties) I beliebe that all cats deserve a comfortable home with unlimited treats, love and loyalty. And well trained staff *winks*

    I deeply appreciate your consideration.
    Tiger No Stripes

  48. I Muggles do hereby swear to uphold the WLF oath and vow to nap and eat quality treats like Dreamies and sushi.I also vow to nap and meditate on only the softest cushions and warm spots vacated by the humans.

  49. Archie says:

    Dear esteemed members of the wlf,
    My name is Archie, im looking to join your prestigious organisation. Although I’m not a prime candidate for membership as I am a Labrador, but hear me out. I have friends in high places. One of my dear friends Bodatious @Bo_the_Panfur (member and owner of a wlf berret) has taught me many things about the needs and ideals of cats. I feel I have a vast understanding and I could uphold the code.
    Please consider me
    Kind regards Archie @LabradorArchie

  50. @2coolcatz says:

    We have read this an fully intend to do everything to make all comrades proud! We take being a #wlf seriously. We look forward to wearing our berets! Thank you Rascal an Kobe

  51. Olliethecat2 says:

    I promise dat I will honour and obey da wlf code.

  52. snoopytheonly says:

    @#wlfmadhatter Onyx and Garfield are ready to stand with their brudder Buddha as he has been a member for five years and would like to be cadets. We have memorized the code and seen all the traing tapes and are confident we can live up to da good works done by the # wlf thank you Garfield. And Onyx @Snoopytheonly

  53. Mimsey Tygur Toes says:

    Dear Mr.Mad, may I introduce you to @SamAnElla, the cadets that the Staff “Fostered*, as the Senior Colony member I’m happy to vouch for the little menaces, I know that they will abide by the code, especially the napping & nomming parts.
    Cheers Mr.Mad,
    Mmmsie Tygur Toes.

  54. Mic and Gracie says:

    We are Mic and Gracie, cadets to @IamTweeterKitty and we solemnly pledges to uphold all the code of the great and glorious #wlf We will protect soft napping spots and do patrols and not play with Tweeter’s tail unless she swishes it in front of us.

  55. NancyCakeFace says:

    Mr MHatter~please consider my Sisfur
    HappyPants as a wlf cadet. I have read the wlf code with her & she understands. Plus I am here to guide her.
    Thank you~
    @NancyCakeFace &
    Sisfur #HappyPants 💗🎀💗

  56. I Batman @Rhondahendee agree to the code of #wlf I haz helped wiffs #FBnostandards campaign and I iz a good panfur, I haz many #wlf friends I iz a believer in what iz outlined I da code. FANKS

  57. petebear07 says:

    Hi there, I am interested in joining WLF, as you can see Im not a cat but some of my best furiends are and my girlfriend is the queen of Kats, i promise to uphold the WLF code, I am @pete_bear07

  58. Zulma says:

    I support you 100/100

  59. Sir Snowy and the Kool cats of Caffé Mici Amici totally agree to the code and then some as Sir Snowy and the Kool Cats champion the cause for helping homeless, abused, abandoned, and disable cats and kitties find forever homes. All of us. Snowy and his 2 sisters and brother were abandoned and the 11 cats we care for now all in the same boat. We’re trying to find homes for them.

  60. megdendler says:

    I agree to all of this. Especially naps on comfy cushions. Those are my divine right. #wlf @kimbababy

  61. Emmy Else's Cat says:

    I @TankertonMog promise to uphold the #wlf code and love all my anipals. Pounce

  62. Sass and Lou says:

    I am Chevy and I, along wif my big brofur Lou, solemnly swear to uphold the code of the #WLF. *holds up tiny paw*

  63. We, @TheRexGirls, heartily agree to abide by the #wlf code of conduct and all that it represents! (Although, we actually have been for several years.)

  64. I @ravennahblack accept the terms set forth within. Long Live #WLF !! (NOTE FROM THE KATTS: In our neck of the woods we have some humans we have determined to be FLUFF agents… Which stands for…. Furball Liberation United Front Forever.. They keep the big bad men of the house from yelling at us…)

  65. @TazFletcher says:

    I @TazFletcher accept the code rules of #wlf

  66. @TazFletcher says:

    I @TazFletcher have read the #wlf rules


  67. Benji Cool Cat #twitter says:

    I @BenjiCoolCat promise to abides by the #wlf rules and help other anipals, furiends and humans. I be a good Maine Coon boy furever .

  68. Jay says:

    I @TheBombayCat promise ta upholds all tha rules an’ code of tha #WLF an’ has plenty of good noms an’ comfy places ta sleep, also patrol muh window sill an’ backyard. I wants ta join muh cousin Spooky too. He doesn’t has a Twitter, but he too likes plenty of high quality noms, comfy places ta sleep, patrolling his home, an’ everything!

  69. I jeff. Pwomise to be a nise kitty an be cumpashinit to uvver anipals an sum peeples for ever and ever 🐾

  70. Luna says:

    I promise to cheerfully and faithfully uphold the #wlf code. Sincerely, Luna, Princess Sassy Cinnamon Pants of Mississippi

  71. Storm says:

    I promise to follow the #wlf code and be a good cadet

  72. Redd says:

    I @reddpuss does promise to be a good jinja and to follow the #wlf code.

  73. Storm says:

    I promise to try to be a good cadet and follow the #wlf code of conduct

  74. Ramsay & Oliver says:

    @ram_olly we purromise to uphold the code #wlf

  75. debs spencer says:

    we Freddie Monty and Claudia agree to the #wlf code. we will honour all comrades. ask for the best treats.defend our hooman mummy and make regular patrols. we demand the best seat in the house too! we would like to join in memory of our sisters sapphire and willow who are no longer with us, we feel this to be a fitting honour, and will be proud to wear our berets.

  76. Boo says:

    hi me is @Sir_Boo_ me haz read da code and me would like to join da wlf please me is dedicated me twitter to RTs for lost anipals , anipals needing furever homes and anipal protections me will patwol me territory always and abide da code at all times , fanks

  77. @MochaKitty2004 says:

    I, Mocha, have read the #WLF Code and promise to pledge my allegiance to its principles and doctrines. I cannot imagine a life for any cat (or tortoise, for that matter) without the essential necessities such as soft cushions, the tastiest of noms and the right to preserve our respective territories -even via windowsill- and will defend and protect the #WLF code and my comrades for as long as I am a cat.

  78. Dear Eldrid

    We are @TheTuxies The Tuxie Collective. We have read the #WLF Code and promise we will do our bestest to uphold it and be good comrades of the #WLF We wish to join and stand united with other #anipals against injustice and to campaign for all things good and just and honest. We look forward to wearing the #WLF beret with pride. #VIVA the #WLF


    The Tuxies

  79. moechloe53 says:

    Hello I’m Moe Grey and would like to join #Wlf my Twitter name is @moegrey2

  80. Wahla Cat says:

    I Wahla Cat (@wahlacat) promise to abide by the rules (snoozing permitting) and uphold the tenets of #wlf

  81. Earl Grey says:

    I, Earl Grey, do solemnly swear to uphold the values and beliefs outlined in the WLF Code. Sun puddles, delicious treats and obedient & kind humans for all kitties!

    Sincerely, @HelloImEarlGrey

  82. @KlutzycatLaya says:

    I pledge allegiance to all kitty pals to never leave empty food bowel salutes

  83. Sookie Stackhouse Gamble says:

    Ooopzie Mom sez I furgot too put r twitter name
    Mom sez can me ask can me wear ma own #WLF beret or dus I has too share wiv my brofur coz we also shares a twitter name
    We iz @2MAD_catz
    Tank oo again
    wuv Pooki >^..^< xo

  84. Carole says:

    We @cissieandadawoo sincerely pledge to uphold the ideals and morals contained within the #wlf code of conduct. We is following in the paws of our esteemed OTRB comrade @picklemagnet. Mama says we are old enough to understand what is expected of us, and to keep our berets clean and tidy! *4 serious earsies*

  85. Real BeamerBoy says:

    I Beamer Boy have read the #wlf code. With respect and honor, I am comitted to the principles set forth here in. I will patrol twitter in search of #wlf comrades to observe, learn and practice this code with the hope that one day I might be selected to serve with such cats oh high esteem to protect and serve the feline species and all creatures of this world.

  86. Max says:

    I pledge allegiance to wlf! I am ready to patrol!!

  87. Barnaby and Balthazar says:

    We pledge our allegiance to wlf! We are proud to patrol! *raises paw*! Barnaby and Balthazar xx

    • Layla says:

      @KlutzycatLayla I pledge to do my upmost to help Furry’s to be all getting fair amount of noms, to consider myself very lucky Kitty, Salutes throws away soft pillow

  88. We Lady Matilda Squeekums & Lord Percival The Precious do solemnly swear to uphold the code and conduct becoming of the #wlf We are fursibs to King Esme Phillip II and Lady Penelope esteemed comrades of the #wlf and wish to make our fursibs proud by supporting the cause of the #wlf. We pledge to keep vigilant patrol of all premises, assure plenty of good food and treats for our other fursibs and procure the finest sleeping arrangements for all! #wlf @wlfmadhatter

  89. *Steps up, stikes a stately pose & raises right paw* I, Ninja Skills, a.k.a. BootBlack WhiskerPants (recently banned profile by POObook), a.k.a. proud Admiral BBWP of Le General’s Army of Animals, handsome house panfur and CEO of NIP: Ninja’s International Petwork, do hereby pledge to uphold the #wlf code, maintain high standards & PURRincipals, and PURRtect da interests of kittehs & anipals worldwide. @MrNinjaSkills

  90. Sash and Kate looked after by our human Catherine says:

    We the aforementioned furry duo Sasha and Kate do solemnly swear on our favourite blankie and catnip toys to abide by the rules of #wlf.

  91. Tibby says:

    I @tibby_theginge *raises right paw* do solemnly meow to up hold the code of wlf and be a top notch comrade who looks after all my furiends, patrols regularly & demands toona for all kitties!

  92. Wee Biskit says:

    I, @WeeBiskit (raising right paw), pledge to honour the code of the #wlf with pride & dignity and campaign very hard for more toona rations *salute*

  93. Pops says:

    I @lyttlenesh Pop Pop Jelly Tots solemnly stand by all the codes of the WLF and forever be Dreamies number 1 fan.

  94. @MollyCat7 says:

    Solidarity to social changes by the unity to dreamies, rock on kitty’s #wlf @MollyCat7

  95. @MollyCat7 says:

    Raises right paw,narrowing of eye’s I solemnly swear to uphold the code of wlf where my subversive skills can be used to protect my kitty brothers&sisters

  96. BlanCat would like to join the #wlf! Are you still accepting members?

  97. Barley@oneinthere says:

    *raises right paw* I Barley, do solemnly swear to uphold the code of wlf and to be a loyal and true comrade. (I already have serious skillz as a covert widdler.)

  98. Kush Panfur JR says:

    ( raises right panfur paw) i pledges i will do my bestest to uphold da principals of #WLF thank u

  99. cafrin says:

    I @cafrindorrell do solemnly swear to hold up the rules and code of the WLF #wlf

  100. @beelzebullfrog says:

    I agree, comrade. I will patrol the shores and support fellow #wlf.

  101. Kat the Rescue Cat says:

    I pledge to make sure my house is safe place for my sisfurs and brofurs. To ensure that others on the internet are treated fairly. To practice zoomies at a reasonable hour. @@kattherescuecat

  102. Ruby and Boots says:

    We, sisters, Ruby and Boots do solemly pledge to uphold all of the codes of #wlf. We will patrol indoors, catch bugs and sleep appropriately. As our brofur Otis has his beret, we would really appreciate being comrades too. Our twitter is @lisareed13. Thank you #wlf

  103. Hi there I am Hugo ! (adopted by @teraeuro 3 months ago)
    I promise and solemnly swear to follow all rules and the code of the #WLF!
    would be proud to be a member of the #wlf !

  104. Blue-Eyes The Cat says:

    I Blue-Eyes here by swear to follow all rules and commands of the #WLF and to be an honourable comrade also may I request a halo when comment approved meow thanks

  105. Samsyn (samsynthecat) says:

    Hi there I Samsyn the cute cat agree to abide by the rules of the #WLF and agree to be an honourable kitty 🙂 team #WLF

  106. Babie That Cat (BabieTheCat) says:

    I babie the cat solemnly swear and agree to the rules of the #Wlf and would live to be a cadet like my friends @rylandthecat @montiethecat thanks

  107. Ryland The Cat @RylandTheCat says:

    Hi there I am Ryland I promise and solemnly swear to follow all rules and the code of the #WLF I am a very trustworthy kitty please accept mine and @montiethecat’s request to join #WLF

  108. Montie The Cat says:

    I @MontieTheCat solemnly swear to follow the #WFL code and rules

  109. Sumo says:

    I, Sumo swear to uphold the Code of Ethics.

  110. @ottogingerboy says:

    I @Ottogingerboy do solemnly swear to follow and uphold the code and rules of the WLF

  111. @ottogingerboy says:

    I solemnly swear to hold up the rules and code of the WLF

  112. Meowganizer says:

    I approve! Love it! Meow!

  113. Jessie says:

    I , Jessie @jessiepussycat will be proud to be a #wlf member and pledge full allegance to the cause, I will wear the beret with honour

  114. We,Aflie and Riff Raff @crazycat_people being the webmasters of crazycatpeople.co.uk do solemnly swear an alligance and to uphold the code

  115. COCO says:

    I, @Cocoswordofday will follow and support the #WLF code.

  116. Coco says:

    I, @CocosWordofDay swear to follow the #WLF code and support the #WLF

  117. Coco says:

    I, @CocosWordofDay promise to respect, follow and support the #WLF code.

  118. Zoey says:

    I, @ZoeyTheDivaPup promise and solemnly swear to support the #wlf I am very proud to be a part of this.

  119. Bella Eyre says:

    I Bella Eyre (@BellaEyreCat) pledge my allegiance to the #wlf and solemnly swear to continue the good work of the whiskas liberation front

  120. Kittsy Koo says:

    Yeah count me in babes #WLF

  121. Thor the Grey says:

    I am @ThorTheGrey. I promise to uphold and follow the #wlf code.

  122. I, Saffron Stringer, do solemnly swear to uphold the good character of the #wlf. l will dutifully perform my patrols from windowsills and the sunroom. I will be in good conduct with my comrades. I will treat all animals and humans (except unethical politicians) fairly. I promise not to smack my brother Socks or sister Sage, unless they hit me first, and then I will practice self-restraint and tolerance! I will be very proud of my membership in the #wlf! Sincerely, Saffron @SaffronAndSocks

  123. Butters Stotch says:

    I, Leopold Butters Stotch, do solomly swear to uphold the #wlf code of conduct and hereby pledge my allegiance to animals in need everywhere. @MrBStotch

    • bkacat says:

      I, @bkacat (BKA Depressed Kitty or DK), do solemnly meow to hold up the #WLF Code of Conduct and protect all kitties under my care.

  124. Squeaky says:

    I squeaky @squeakykitt pledge to uphold the #wlf code. Even though i am a bit young to understand fully what a pledge is 🙂

  125. I, Penelope P. Pumpkin fursister to#wlf member King Esme Phillipe II agree to uphold all the principals of the WLF code. I swear to fight for the rights of anipals everywhere, to help those anipals less fortunate and purr a little more for all those in need!!#wlf@King Esme

  126. Kevin says:

    Vidi, Edi, Minxi


  127. Crepes says:

    I, Crepes, agree to the code and promise to continue upholding animal welfare for all those who need my help! @refrigeratorcat

  128. very happy to join #WLF ! @teraeuro on Twitter

  129. Cheryl Horton says:

    I humbly accept the #wlf code and pledge my allegiance to the #wlf! I swear on my catnips to eternally maintain my dignity, integrity as a member of the #wlf and correct da humans as needed in a loving but firm manner. I patrols my area and insists on tuna as required for my energies! Long lives the #wlf! Sincerely Cadet Sox! Meow!

  130. @Cool_Cat_ says:

    Hi there!
    I read the manifeste, & I agree, plus I would be feel proud to be part of this wonderful elite of Comrades from #WLF Long Live!!!!

  131. Cheryl Horton says:

    I, @scampijean am proud to say I have joined #wlf and make my pledge to honor and uphold all principles and beliefs of the#wlf! i am at Rainbow Bridge, but lives through the Internets! I will follow all duties and beliefs with joys and eagernesses! Cans I haves a beret?

  132. #AmeliaMeows says:

    Meow #wfl! Btw, is leaving mouse guts for my human allowed?

  133. Marcia Ward says:

    I am writing for Oliver. After his sister went OTRB, he became the sweetest, bestest most lovingest boy ever. He was the bestest guardian of the house watching for the wildest animals in the backyard. Even coyote! ! He asked for chicken, greek yogurt and other special foods. He slept on the sofest pillows and aphgans and with daddy and mommy. He talked constantly and sang in the middle of the night. He helped mommy with her diabetes. He had a stuffed monkey for a friend along with human aunts and uncles. He told everyone Ewo & eye when they came or left and knew the difference. Ollie even had a doggie for a friend and gave her all his food when she came to visit. He would roll from side to side for rollie rollie and had a record at age 12 of 42! He loved his mom and she misses him so very much. He would have taken the pledge with pride if he had known about it.

  134. Marcia Ward says:

    Roxie and Annie pledge to abide by all of the terms to be the bestest cadets ever. And as they get older promise to get betterer.
    Thanx mom for writing as they don’t have fingers.

  135. Shannon says:

    I will try my best to be good and follow the #wlf code

  136. William says:

    I @williampuss being an honest and upright gentleman do solemnly vow to uphold the #wlf code and care for anyone who needs my help whenever I am able

  137. Tala says:

    Tala (that’s me) @talapuss promises to do her duty and uphold the #wlf code of conduct whilst being a norty panfur

  138. Selene says:

    I Selene @selenepuss do promise to be kind to anipals and humans and uphold the #wlf code

  139. Bob The Cat says:

    @BobsMittenPaws My name is Bob. I am a big boy(all lean muscle), polydactyl, blue eyed and a degenerate catnip addict. I live with 4 cats(including my nemesis meow meow), 3 dogs, and 3 humans. I had a twin brother named Larry who died this summer. I was a broken cat. My human adopted two kittens for me to train up. They are brother and sister. BARNABY looks like a miniature version of me and ZuZu is polydactyl too. They worship me and I teach them the ways of the warrior cat. Some say I am the Lao Tzu of felines. I will wear the beret with honor and to my part to fight injustice. Be it fighting animal cruelty or
    Fighting(and winning!!) my human for a better spot on
    the bed. Bob.

  140. Terence Terrier says:

    I do my best to help raise munney for poorly and homeless kittehs. I will continue to help da #wlf wiv da pawties whenever I can. I will pawtekt my #wlf pals.

  141. bastrn says:

    I would love to pledge and be a member of the wlf, a very worthy and noble cause. I am @ptinkey on Twitter. I am mamma to four kitties – 1 w/insulin dependent diabetes and chronic pancreatitis and 1 w/chronic inflammatory bowel disease. I am an RN, disabled, currently in vet tech school so I may better take care if my babies. I pray to Bast daily for the safety and care of all cats on earth. I care – maybe too much at times. I would proudly wear the beret. Please consider me for inclusion in both the wlf and the wlfnursecorps. Thank you so much. Bright blessings for all that you do.

  142. bastrn says:

    Would love to become wlf member – mamma to 4 kitties – one is insulin dependent diabetic with chronic pancreatitis, one has chronic inflammatory bowel syndrome. I am an RN, disabled, going to online school to be a vet tech to better serve my babies. Please let me know how I may be permitted to “join” and also become a member of the nurse corps! Bright blessings for all you do!

  143. Belcat says:

    I , Belcat will be proud to be a #wlf member and wear the beret with honour

  144. The Cat Goddess Athena @catgodessathena says:

    I is da cat goddess Athena (@catgodessathena) da day I join Twitter I pawmised to protect all anipal from cats to da smallest mouse. I will battle who ever brutally hurts my furiends with fearlessness however I use respectful speaking & fairness, no violence or threats. I show kindness and love fur every one who I come across. I believe I wod be purfect fur #WLF

  145. Jason Kane says:

    My black kitties Shadow and Stardust pledge to abide by the #wlf code at all times. They would be most gratetful to become members of #wlf. Their daddy, @ThatCatDude – Twitter

  146. On the eve of my first Gotcha Day, I would like to pledge my oath of allegiance to the #wlf and promise to do my best to furlow the code and all the rules – if I nibble at the red tape, you know it’s just teething (or teasing). For the past year, I have studied under the guidance of our Xenipie and she has bumped noses in commendation. I am the unique and copyrighted @Louwiy and will preserve my © for those Louwiys that may wave to me when and if I cross the Bridge. Before then, I hope to share many adventures with you all.

  147. ednaatnutro says:

    I, Panky @PankyThePanfur, would like to renew my pledge to the #wlf. I have maintained the code of conduct and ethics and teaching them to the new brofur Troyer. I will continue to patrol this home to keep my human and brofur safe from any harm to the best of my ability.

    • My name is BabyCasper. I don’t have a Twitter account. Mommy ( @frndlyghost ) planned to get me one, but I crossed the rainbow bridge before that could happen. I will not be tweeting, but I will still love and watch over my mommy, daddy( @chazzrae ), brother ( @BusterTWondrdog ), and sister (@EstherDBunny ). I will also watch over all the other anipals and friends in the #wlf. I will be your #wlf guardian angel.

  148. BoDexter says:

    My name iz Bo @Bo_Dexter, I iz a 14 week kitten I would be honoured to join wlf. during my short time with ma hoomans I regularly patrol ze windowsill and I ensure that the stooped rodents are in check. I sleep in the comfest spot in my household on da sofa or in comfy kitty bed. My hooman gives me the best treats and I also ensure I demand them regularly.

  149. Zipper da Kitty says:

    I am Zipper.My twitter handle is @DaCupcakeKitty on twitter. I would be honored to join WLF and agree to the WLF code.Starting from this day forward pledge to patrol my house, and convincingly ask the hooman of my house for premium treats and the softest cushions available for me,and others cats of the house to park our bottoms on.I look forward to conversing with all wlf members as well. Love Always,Zipper

  150. Purrinator says:

    Hey can Valentino and Jessica be apart of wlf? My twitter is @purrinator. I agree to code of conduct.

  151. frndlyghost says:

    Hi, BusterTWondrdog here. My sister (EstherDBunny) and I would very much love to join wlf. We have a brother named Larry, who is a lion. Lions are really big kitties. Larry can’t hear or talk, but he can love and is a really nice brother. Esther and I promise to uphold the honor and values of the wlf. If we receive berets, we will wear them with pride. We will defend the right of all cats (even really big ones like Larry will be when he grows up) to have the softest cushions, the warmest sunshine, the best food, and filtered water to drink when the humans are using the sink. We will speak (and tweet) for those animals who cannot speak for themselves, and will defend those who cannot defend themselves. Thank you.

  152. I, Oliver (@MeowwOliver) pledge to the WLF. I swear to patrol my territory, catch any bugs, mice an birds, and protect my human companions. If i recieve a beret, I will wear it at all times with pride. I will always stand up for the rights of animals, cats and others alike. I am new to Twitter, but will try my hardest to learn everything and uphold the code. *salutes with paw*

    • Cloe Wise says:

      Oliver said it so eloquently, can I just agree with what he said? I am particularly devoted to the finding unusual places to sleep, reporting back to my humans at 3am and 4am and 5am and 6am on the nights that I am out.

  153. Sebastian says:

    I, @thelittle_dude, hereby swear to uphold the code of the WLF in both rule and spirit. I will always act in the best interest of cats (and other anipals) everwhere.

  154. @nilesformiles says:

    @nilesformiles So sorry gave an old email. Please use one attached with this comment. We would love to represent wlf.

  155. @nilesformiles says:

    @nilesformiles would love the honor of receiving a beret. I swear to uphold the rules of wlf and look forward to becoming an official comrade.

  156. Peggy Knigge says:

    I swear to uphold the ideals of helping those in need,speaking for animals who can’t speak for themselves. @AZDesertShrimp

  157. Peggy Knigge says:

    I am interesting in joining the #WLF.I am friends with @StuffMyPetsSay & @cathound7. @cathound7 suggested that I get involved with the #WLF.He also got @StuffMyPetsSay involved awhile back.They both say it’s a great organization,that supports animals around the world.Thank you. @AZDesertShrimp

  158. I, Tabitha Lily Calico (@MeowwLily), so solemnly swear to uphold all codes of conduct of the #WLF and respectfully request a beret. I will continue to partol my territory and protect my human companions (mommy, grandma and grandpa) forever. I will bask in my plant window and patrol for birds on the outside and continue to catch bugs and mice on the inside, and always stand up for the rights of felines and animals alike. If I recieve a beret, I will wear it at all times with pride.

  159. Alice Pandora Lavelle says:

    I would like to join #wlf I am @AliBambs on twitter…I am a beautiful ragdoll cat who is very much loved by her owners @JaYnIeMoO and love to talk to my fellow cat followers on twitter…I constantly look after my house marking my territory (mainly the window ledge) as I am a house cat but enjoy telling the birds off that sit on the fence and love to go out on my lead…one day I may catch you…!

  160. Ms Bunz says:

    I would like to join #wlf. I am @ms_bunzita.

  161. @floydthecat says:

    Pls let me join!!

  162. Cinnamon says:

    I would like to join #wlf. My Twitter username is @CinniMini2

  163. Mel says:

    We want to join @weare2alleycats

  164. tinkerbelldacat says:

    I would like to join WLF my twitter name is @tinkerbelldacat

  165. Wallis the Wobbly says:

    I am @WallisK (aka Wallis the Wobbly) I would like to become a member of the #wlf I have Cerebellar Hypoplasia and I am a wobbly boy who deserves the best of the best….I will promise to furball on my hoomans carpet

  166. Charlie says:

    I am @cat_interest a panfur named Charlie and I would like to become a member of #wlf . I pledge to follow all rules of conduct and take lots of naps on comfy pillows. Namely the one next to my hoomans on her bed. fank you furr your consideration.

  167. Colleen says:

    I FeFe (@felicekitty) would love to make new furiends and be apart of WLF I will be the best comrade I can be and show my pride for wlf!

  168. Hi! I’m Sylvester @sylvesterpanfur, brofur to @StickyTheKitty (she is a purroud WLF member already). She has told me how to be a good comrade, and I have read everything in the rules. I would be honored to be a member!

  169. @HRMeownessWills says:

    Will gladly uphold codes and ethics. #WLF. Wills, Kate and Abby.

  170. lesbubbly says:

    Wez ferrets (6 of us) solemnly swear to uphold traditions of the #wlf! Wez already promote awareness of animal cruelty and abuse and wez fink wez would be assets to the #wlf tradition!! Twitter name:@Cherylpoestone

    Thank you kindly,

    Juno, James, Oliver, Ambrose, Zoey Mae, and Benny

  171. lesbubbly says:

    Wez (6 ferrets) would like to join #wlf! Wez read over da rules and will gladly abide by them. Wez already promote awareness of animal cruelty and abuse so wez think we would be assets to join the #wlf club and its traditions!!!

    Thank youz,

    Juno, James, Oliver, Ambrose, Zoey Mae, and Benny

  172. I Rosso F.P Catling @RossoFPCatling (known as Rosso and ‘bubba’) does solemnly swear to uphold the principles of #wlf and promote kindness and respects to all beings

  173. Chris l Grannes says:

    PVT.BUDDY GRANNES is PROUD + HONORED to enlist in this Noble Cause, and, rations of Catnip only help his keen sense of the”The outside ” world intact!

  174. I would be so furry happy to join WLF. Been Twittering with the #WLF tag. I and my hoomans are strong supporters of animal rights and rescues. Would be an honor.

  175. I @Quinythekitty and all the members of my household swear to fulfill the #wlf code to the best of our abilities.

  176. Shai says:

    Hi, I’m Shai. @mastershai_shai on twitter. I vow to uphold all wlf policies and adhere to the codes.

  177. Outlaw Kitty says:

    I’m a little on the skittish side, not knowing exacly wot to do to join WLF, but I agree to abide by the code of conduct of #wlf as @FrankieLJones13 aka Outlaw Kitty. No, I do not have outstanding warrants. Perhaps I swear too much? I am a kind soul however. I’m blabbing on because I’m lost. I was a young cat liberated by my human from the county shelter where they put other furries and such to sleep. I love sleep but not that much. I have been saved.

  178. Lisa Reed says:

    We, Ruby and Boots, swear to uphold the code of conduct and respectfully request berets so we can join our brofur Otis, in #wlf. We will continue our patrols and defend our hooman as long as she gives us the good noms. Typist is @lisareed13

  179. I, @kittypeacock, do pledge my allegiance to the #WLF.

    I swears to continue to catches any insurgent mices buts to bestow upon them an honorable funeral in my tummys. As is my duty, I will takes up my post daily with length naps from which I wills not falter; lest I be smited by the Gods of Catnip.

    This I solemnly meows,
    Kitty Peacock

  180. Clover @SillyRabbitsCat says:

    Raises right paw … I do duly swear this 16th day of April in the year of our Lord 2013, that I will uphold the Code to the best of my abilities and continue to patrol and protect my territory against all incursions.

    This I duly sign electronically and affix my mark (paw print)


  181. meow,i iz Rusty (my staff mom has my twitter acct. (CherylAlexande1) nervously raises right paw”i,,Rusty,being of sound mind(?)do certainly swear to uphold the contents of this code to the best of my feline ability.i promise to conduct regular patrols of my territory,and to protect my staff always and to respect and defend all anipals and their staff,regardless of species.i appreciate this opportunity to apply for this worthy cause and thank you for your consideration of me as a possible member.thank you for your time————-Rusty’ breathes sigh of relief and lowers right paw.

  182. I, Bucky, would like to renew my pledge to the #wlf. I have maintained the code of conduct and ethics and continue routine catio patrols. I was awarded my first beret with my brofur Lucky who has now joined the #wlf10thbattalion. So now I and Foxy my new brofur would like to pledge are support to the #wlf. Foxy here. I pledge to the #wlf to maintain all standards set forth by previous cats. thanks @catteam65

  183. Lisa Knigge says:

    I have several cats and a dog–have had cats,dogs,rodents,fish,birds,reptiles in the past.I am a vegetarian also.I do&will continue to spread the word of treating all species w/ fairness and equality.I will wear the #wlf hash tag proudly. @StuffMyPetsSay

  184. meow to everyone. my name is Rusty. my hooman has my twitter acct.(@CherylAlexande1) i would like the honor of joining #wlf and here promise to uphold the code and code of conduct always,and to the best of my ability.

  185. Chips says:

    I,Chips (Chippy Doodah@doodah_chips)would here by like to become a member of WLF.although am held together by 17pins&plates in my right back leg I do my utmost to patrol the sofa,windowsill&garden.*raises paw to pledge&wobbles*

  186. Leroy says:

    I would like to request WLF membership for myself, Leroy (@LeroyBlackCat), my niece Jerry and my nephew Tom. *raise paws, meow pledge in unison* We pledge allegiance to the WLF and promise to uphold its code of conduct. We promise to be brave while performing our duties and wear our berets with pride.

  187. @SirenBlackCat says:

    Have just joined Twitter and I like the sound of WLF =^..^=

  188. Shadows Whiskers says:

    @ShadowsWhiskers I have pledged and been accepted as a member of #wlf and will continue to uphold the code daily.

    • Shadows Whiskers says:

      @ShadowsWhiskers I have previously pledged via Twitter. Thank you. ^..^~

    • Shadow says:

      Dear Eldrid:
      When I am eligible for a #wlf beret, could it either be green or raspberry-burgundy red? Sincerely Shadow

      • Shadow says:

        Dear Eldrid, I was a proud member of #wlf (and still am). I want on my furever journey in April and was wondering if I could have a halo added on my beret to signify that I am now in the OTRB battalion. Many thanks for all the great work you do. Luv Shadow

      • Eldrid says:

        I am sure @wlfmadhatter will be in touch soon, comrade.

  189. Mr. Bisky @Biskythecat says:

    Here’s my twitter name as requested. I love my new WLF hat! @wlfmadhatter is great!

  190. louise carroll says:

    we are stationhousecats@slapperlou #WLF we promise to abide bby the code of conduct. purrrsssssssss

  191. stationhouse cats says:

    we, the 5 Stationhouse rescue moggs. do solemly and faithfully sweat to uphold the #wlf code principles and to even go beyond the call of duty when necessary. we furrrrvently hope that we will be accepted by all at the #wlf. signed by paw, Georgie Ginge, Chubbs Jackie, Chubbs junior aka Tiddlywinks Pipsueak, Mr. Tom, largest cat in Cornwall and not forgetting kitten Louis cat-orze. xxxxx and huge miaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaws.

    • wlfmadhatter says:

      Could I have your twitter name please

      • @Mnummy_maggot says:

        @Mnummy_maggot is my twitter name sir.plse excuse my mum,she not good wif technolololgy stuff.needs lots of helps.

      • louise carroll says:

        stationhouse cats@slapperlou – are we going to get a beret???? huge thankful purrssss

  192. Lil' Baby says:

    @dalilbaby says:
    Purrfect! #WLF sounds like it’s just what I want to be a part of.

  193. @Mnummy_maggot says:

    I do hereby swear to the code of conduct of WLF

  194. @Mnummy_maggot says:

    Dear Sirs. My names is Puddy.Iwould like to join the ranks of WLF.have read and undertood the code of conduct and will do my utmost to uphold it with dignety mewing and purrring.

  195. Mr. Bisky c/o Mel Brown says:

    I, Mr. Bisky @Biskythecat, would love to be a member of #wlf and have read the rules of code and conduct. I patrol my territory on a regular basis, have caught vermin, love Dreamies, Temptations and all quality snacks, and and support all kitties and dogs efurrywhere. I will abide by the rules of #wlf, so help me cat!

  196. lindzgoss says:

    my two boy, Caddy and Gadjet would love to be a part of #wlf ,@lindzgoss. #love

  197. Bayley says:

    Hear hear! I wholeheartedly agree!
    Purrs all round to my comrades!

  198. Louise says:

    I, Pooky (@lace675468), promise to be a true member of the #wlf, widdling on those in greatest need and defending my territory vigorously (especially getting access to under the duvet and refusing to shift). I will wear my beret with solidarity *proud ears*

    • stationhouse cats says:

      We Georgie, Jackie Chubbs, Tiddlywinks Pipsqueak Chubbs Junior, Mr. Tommy and Louis Cat-orze, @slapperlou promise to uphold the traditions of the #WLF and will wear our beret in turn without fighting.

  199. Leslie says:

    I want to be proud #wlf member and wear a smart beret @maximusmaxipus

  200. rayblindcat says:

    I RayBlindCat (@RayBlindCat), having read and memorised the code, do solemnly swear that I will honour and obey all it contains. I will be mindful of the ideals and principles of the WLF at all times. I will undertake regular sniffing patrols around all perimeters and will work to perfect my vertical jumps. I will fight injustice. In solidarity, Ray #wlf

  201. I have A-Levels in widdling, just ask the hoomanz! Proud to wear the #wlf beret, if you see fit to bestow it upon me for my actions in the face of repelling intruders whilst paroling, especially that torie who lives behind the fence! long Live #WLF

  202. Perfect!! Please consider me for membership!

  203. @albagracecat says:

    I hereby solemnly swear to follow the code of the #wlf – I would love to join.

  204. Oliver Twist says:

    I Oliver Twist do swear, on my favorite binky that my entire household, including the dull witted humans, will abide by the WLF code.

  205. Hi! I am Tripod Stringer. I promise to uphold the high standards of the wlf of behavior, graciousness, charity, tolerance and love of fellow anipals and humans. I may have only 3 legs, but I make up for it in heart. With stamina I will fulfill my rounds of patrols. I sign in duty to the Comrades, Tripod Stringer

    • Tuxicat says:

      Hi! Tripod had tweeted it was last year he joined the #wlf but he actually pledged 1/11/2013. I will have him post that he has a much better picture to use as his avi pic and whenever possible, he’d like to ask the #wlfmadhatter to re-beret him. Thanks Comrade! Love, Tuxi

  206. Mikey W Cat says:

    I is a bit nervous *kitty cough* *raises paw*
    “I Mikey W Cat does swear to be a brave member of the wlf. I will uphold the code of conduct, respect others and always share my bestest treats. I will complete my missions with sharp claws and alert ears and try to be nice to the dogs in my house (as long as they keep their sniffy noses out of wlf business). Purrlease accept me into your honourable organisation” *lowers paw* *rubs nose*

  207. Ted says:

    I can haz blue Baret?:)

  208. Mr Chickapea says:

    I sollerlee, er somenly, solemnly! pledge that mommy & I have both lived this code all my life (13 years). Please accept my membership of this proud kitteh organisation. Purrrrr ..
    Fluffy regards,
    Mr Chickapea – @gillychick1
    Oh almost forgot! Mommy says I am the prettiest, cleverest, most stunning kitteh in the entire universe. Xx

  209. Razzycat says:

    I have ben a #wlf member in my furry little heart for a bit, but jus now realized I need to officially pledge my allegiance here.
    I, Razzy (@razzycat), hereby pledges *paw over heart*, to uphold all da codes of da #wlf. I vow to purroudly represent da #wlf in word an deed. I serve wit Pride, respect, & dignity, wit all my twitter comrades. *Salute *

  210. @biscuit_nolan says:

    I want to. Belong to. Wlf

  211. Hellow Furriendz,

    Meh solumnly swearz to be true and faithfull to dah #wlf conduct codes and to wearz mah berret with honour and proudz..

    Meh certainsly hopez to be selected to join as all mah twitter comarades on dah tweetmasjien are #wlf furriendz and anipalz to.

    With kindest sweetest regards,
    @kimvanspauwen aka Sunny Cat

  212. Cookie Bear says:

    I, Cookie Bear (@MouseFaceMeow), hereby declare that I will honour the #wlf code with respect, pride and dignity. I have read and understood the code and conduct and vow to adhere to these. I also vow to represent #wlf in nothing less than the most positive manner and would be very proud to become a fully fledged comrade. *Paw Salute*

  213. ok i got this windowsill *sleeps*

  214. all hail the #wlf. *salutes* i haz done all of the above, to include catching verminz and meditating on soft cushions. all i lack at the present time is a beret. yours in bastet, Düf

  215. CatManJacob says:

    I promise to this code. I will join. I will follow the code… I hope to get a hat and beret

  216. Uncle Haggis says:

    I, Uncle Haggis (@haggie_d), promise to live by the #wlf code of conduct. I will honour and promote #wlf always.

  217. @cats_chat says:

    We cats vow to honour the #wlf code and pledge our allegiance. We will be generous and share our catnip and remain faithful and proud at all times, thank you @cats_chat

  218. @cats_chat says:

    We are a Gang of Four cats who rule a household together. We comprise of Sugar the boss, he keeps order & he’s a strong leader. His three sisters Rosie, Penny & Batty (non biological) are in alliance to get the best out of the household. Humans have been trained to fill a drawer with Dreamies & treat us with prawns. We would all desire to join the #wlf & be part of this prestigious group. Thank you purrs & head bonks. Miaow 🙂

  219. seathestrange says:

    I fully live by and will always honor the #wlf code. @seathestrange Furry, shelly, scales, slimy, or feathery all are protected and invited to my Paw-ty. Strangest thing I ever rescued was a copperhead baby that was going to drown in a swimming pool. I volunteer at the Human Society SPCA Wildlife rehabilitation center. Sometimes, you can find me in the Rabbitat house.. or I might be in the Squirrel house feeding them lemons

  220. My name is MaxiPuss Decimus Meridius, commander of the Cat Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true WLF. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or after I’ve had another little nap. @GeneralMaxiPuss at your service. Can I have a beret please as it will look awesome with my Gladiator armour.

  221. @Mr_Pilchard says:

    I @Mr_Pilchard do solemnly swear that if chosen to join the #WLF I will abide by and uphold the excellent #WLF Code of Conduct and do my very best to be a credit to the mighty #WLF. #VIVA and #SOLIDARITY with all anipals efurrywhere!

  222. Chunkles says:

    This code of which you speak, I find agreeable. I am generally opposed to being forced to wear clothing of any type (since it tends to make me look like a doofus). However, under the circumstances, I think I would be proud to wear a #wlf hat, and to uphold the code it represents. Thanks for your consideration.

  223. Oscar says:

    I, @OscarTheFabCat, do solemnly swear to make my furry #wlf comrades proud and uphold all #wlf ideals if I am a chosen member. I will wear my beret proudly and with absolute respect.

  224. Mister Ripley says:

    I, @MisterRipleyCat hereby pledge my allegiance to the #wlf cause. I promise to dedicate my (not many) waking hours to patrolling, hunting, scratching and general watching to the #wlf organisation. Plus I really am very handsome, so I hope you accept me as a comrade in paws. (Also I have access to lots of booze…)

    • Mia and Manu says:

      This is our official signature for having read the #WFL code of conduct and agreeing to all rules, guidelines and principals. We would be proud to serve and would cherish the opportunity to be part of the esteemed #wlf!


      Humble and meek but fiercely loyal!!

  225. I Charles Felis Catus, Welsh Wildcat fully support the goals of the #WLF and Global Cat Domination

  226. Stewart The Kat says:

    I Stewart The Cat, being of sleek fur and kissable paws; do hereby swear to uphold the #WLF code and hold each and efurry one of the members close to my heart and do my best to protect efurryone including my furless family.
    I would love to be a member of #wlf and would love if I could have a beret to show my loyalty puurrroudly!!

    *Standing tall chested*paw to furhead salooting proudly*

    Stewart The Kat

  227. @Countryside_Cat says:

    I will try my best to be a good cat and follow the code. I will look after my huMOM and Daddy (even though he flattens my ears when he rubs my head) and I will keep them safe from mice… But not necessarily spiders, as I don’t tend to go for anything that has more legs than me.

    I will look after my fellow #wlf members and bring them mouse burgers at the #wlfbbq

    I will try my best to keep out of trouble and look after my garden instead of scampering over the fence.

    I will only hiss at the vacuum cleaner and will try not to swipe my huMOM

  228. Charles Lance. @cathound7 says:

    I have been a #wlf member in heart and spirit for some time. I hereby officially would like to trade in my paper kitty hat for a #wlf beret. I love all kittehs and their Hoomans and pledge an oath of loyalty to the #wlf and all anipals. I pledge to patrol each day, keeping the #wlf a great place for treats, hugs and fun. I believe in being kind to all cats and peeps. References: @mr_pie, @mrtibbsatap, @mezzymeddles. Love and huggggs to efurrybody!! Purrrrs!! Waves both paws and salutes!

  229. Mittens says:

    *holds up little paws* i Mittens pledge my allegiance to #wlf and all that is good. i promise to protect and cherish my fellow comrades. *salutes* and promise to abide by the WLF code and not break any of the rules and always have my fellow comrades backs. together we are unlimited 🙂 *stands tall and proud and salutes again*
    my twitter name is @mittennkitten *purrs*

  230. Jack Black says:

    I pledge my allegiance and loyalty to the WLF and agree wholeheartedly with the above! I have several windowsills I can use to check things out 🙂
    My human pledges her allegiance also. She doesn’t allow me to chase spiders and rescues them before I do any harm…but she lets me eat the odd fly and play with pretend mice 🙂
    I would be very proud to be a member of the WLF and have a green beret to commemorate it.
    Thank you 🐱

    From @jackblackthecat

  231. Buddy says:


    I would be honored to join the #wlf And honor its code.

    I am also a proud honorary cat of the #CatMofia

  232. Nip The Mouse says:

    I honor the code of the WLF and would be proud to be a member. Plus I hear you don’t eat members, which would be great. Sincerely, Nip the Mouse @Nipthemouse

  233. I, @Effiethecat, 14 month old happy ball of fluff, would be glad to join the ranks of the #WLF, and help in any way I can! Currently the only way my mum can get me in from an unauthorized patrol next door is with a big pile of treats!
    I hereby promise to honor code and code of conduct and join in the movement for more treats!

  234. Janson says:

    I, Janson, being of very soft fur and all around cutness. Do hereby pledge myself to the #wlf and uphold the Code to the best of my ability.

    So mote it be.


  235. Pootle says:

    I Pootle (2 years old) would love to be considered to join your worthy cause. I may be an indoor girl but will keep up patrols and protect mum and dad whilst Looking after all furry friends. You code will be upheld at all times and dreamies are a must! The wonderful and kind @mrtibbsdj recommended me to you at your amazing #wlfbbq. Hope I make the grade yours @sunnyladyj (I use mums when not looking) x

  236. Cat says:

    Me (Cat_020) would be proud if I can join the brave #wlf clan!!!! Promise to follow the rules of the cause :o) (hope this is ok because the code of conduct is in german and I cannot read that :o( )

  237. Gunner says:

    I, Gunner, a 9 month old american bulldog, hereby do pledge to uphold the beliefs of the wlf from this day forward by patrolling my porch and protecting my family as well as all my anipals for as long as I am able. Anipal @kahluathekitty told me about your cause and I am anxious to begin.

  238. Kahlua says:

    My name is Kahlua, I’m a 6 month old Siamese & I want to join the #wlf! Fellow anipal #scarysmartkitty told me about the cause. I am very energetic and will wear my hat with purride to help out all my anipals.
    I promise to help protect all the furriends and you can count on me to patrol.
    I hope you accept me into your collective! My tag is @kahluathekitty.

  239. Kahlua says:

    I, @kahluathekitty, am requesting acceptance into the #wlf. I swear to uphold the #wlf code & protect my fellow furriends. I see Efurrything @scarysmartkitty does for this cause + I would be honored to join! Please consider me. -@kahluathekitty

  240. @dupeehound says:

    Me @dupeehound, does solemnly promise to be a good #wlf member. Me will be an asset to the organization because me fights spammers for me self and all me pals. If me gets accepted, me will be the best Basset Hound I can be. Sometimes I be bad, but never mean. Me loves all friends, including dogs, cats, birds, bun buns, donkeys, turtles, beavers, fish, chipmunks, squirrels, honey badgers, and everyone else I forgot except cockroaches. Thanks in advance for your consideration.

  241. @Whimsie_Cat says:

    We, River and Streamer (Streamie for short), are respectfully asking to be considered for membership in the WLF. Our dear Sisfur, Minnie, was a member until she recently went OTRB. We would like to make WLF membership a proud family tradition in her honour.

    We promise to resist oppression of cats and all our furriends. We will campaign for lots of high-quality treats from our staff, and lots of cuddles, too.

    Patrols of our territory, from windowsills because we are indoor cats, will be performed on a regular schedule and sunpuddles will be taken full advantage of (for naps, of course).

    We look forward with great hopefulness to being selected for membership in the WLF.

    Respectfully yours,
    River and Streamer

  242. @Snowey (& Mum) says:

    »^..^« My name is Snowey, I am 6 on 1 Sept. I’m a chocolate tabby point Siamese. Me & Mum live just us & I look after her + help her with her studies. I’m an indoor kitty but Mum’s made the windows safe for me to guard.
    Mum read the wlf Code & Rules aloud to me & I explained any words she didn’t understand. We look forward to being active members of the wlf, thank you, Snowey & Mum x
    PS I told Mum to remember my Twitter name @Snowey (& Mum) but she forgot so I had to post this myself – ooh my pads ache from holding a pen to tap the keys with!! »^..^« Cat-power!!

  243. @Snowey (& Mum) says:

    My name is Snowey, I am 6 on 1 Sept. I’m a chocolate tabby point Siamese. Me & Mum live just us & I look after her + help her with her studies. I’m an indoor kitty but Mum’s made the windows safe for me to guard.
    Mum read the wlf Code & Rules aloud to me & I explained any words she didn’t understand. We look forward to being active members of the wlf, thank you, Snowey & Mum x

  244. Alford Cat says:

    I @AlfordCat would be honoured to become a member of the #WLF! I pledge myself to the code, and declare I will do my utmost to patrol and defend my territory. #WLF

  245. ginacuccu says:

    I @ginacuccu do solemly swear to uphold the code, to defend my comrades with honor and dignity as we all deserve!

  246. Dupee Hound says:

    Me @dupeehound, does solemnly promise to be a good #wlf member. Me will be an asset to the organization because me fights spammers for me self and all me pals. If me gets accepted, me will be the best Basset Hound I can be. Sometimes I be bad, but never mean. Me loves all friends, including dogs, cats, birds, bun buns, donkeys, turtles, beavers, fish, chipmunks, squirrels, honey badgers, and everyone else I forgot except cockroaches. Thanks in advance for your consideration.

  247. alfie furness says:

    I believe in the #wlf. I have soft cushions and plenty of toys and believe all dogs should have them. I am @alfiewoofer1

  248. @angelthefurball says:

    I Angel (@Angelthefurball) do solemnly swear to follow the #Wlf code at all moments, even the awkward ones. I also promise to digest and regurgitate these rules at every opportunity, including all meal times. Spice Girls never – #Wlf forever

  249. sal1 says:

    I, @KittenOscar, and my sisfur, Ella, do solemnly declare to abide by the WLF code of conduct and uphold its socialist values, especially the bits about campaigning for nice treats and soft cushions.

  250. @SnugglePawPaws says:

    Hi I’m new to this is that okay?

  251. Dizzy says:

    I, Dizzy, pledge to uphold the code of conduct of the WLF… For as long as i can remember it anyway 😀

  252. I @poppythacat and my housemate and reluctant brother @dominocat solemly swear to uphold the values of the #wlf and pledge allegiance for life! We will continue to patrol our borders (when not napping) and spread the word about this organisation through underground subcultures. Hail Hail!

  253. Kahlua & Cinderpaw (@Fluffy_YinYang) says:

    *raises paw(s)* We, Kahlua & Cinderpaw (@Fluffy_YinYang), solemnly swear to regularly patrol our interior borders to check for any intrusions and leave them unharmed (except the occasional bug that frightens our mom). We usually hunt said prey (or usually inanimate objects) and present them to our staff when it pleases us. We promise to protect our family/staff and to try and understand the little human, and possibly even join him as he does his own patrolling of the house. But we always demand our own loving time with mom & our own treats! We are proud, honored, and pleased to join our comrades in this great cause, and promise to uphold the code of conduct. #WLF pride!

    • Xeni Pie says:

      That seems to be a very comprehensive & worthy acknowledgement of da #wlf.
      If I finds yew agen in Twitterland, I will be following. xx Xenipie

  254. Hector the Liver Shunt Cat says:

    I would be very honoured and proud to join the ranks of #wlf. I am Hector @LivershuntCat !

  255. Bean says:

    I, Bean Cat will make all efforts cattingly possible to uphold the code, standing tall in tails of adversity alongside my comrades. Working paw in paw with the tweeting animal kingdom to protect others. Signed Bean

  256. Thomas Velvet says:

    I would be honored to included as a comrade in the #wlf! I’m a very outspoken kitty against any injustice in the world against animals and I definitely believe cats are the superior beings. I agree and pledge that I will live by the code of the #wlf. (I’d like a RED hate if possible since it’s my favorite color and would look nice with my silver fur)

    I am @TVelvet

  257. Cute Kitty says:

    I really should be promoted to General! @MostCutestKitty

  258. Peter Parker says:

    I @babypetie, would be honored to join the #wlf. I promise to obey and uphold the code and conduct of the #wlf, and to respect my #wlf comrades.

  259. Fenway says:

    I’m a cat named after a ballpark, and I approve this message. @i_am_fenway

  260. I, Ruby Roo, do purromise to uphold the #wlf code, (as actively as one can who spends most of the day sleeping).

  261. I, Basil, aka Basil the Bionic Cat do hereby swear my allegiance to the WLF and in by doing so, agree solemnly and most utterly sincerely to uphold ‘THE CODE’

    My Brofurrs and Sisfurrs, ~ We will stand together, united, joined, as one, a legion, an army and a force to be reckoned with, now and furrever!

    Never Surrender and Never say No to Crunchie Treats and Yummy Noms!


    (Is that OK? or a perhaps little too dramatic…)

    Bestest meows and purrs


  262. Pookieandrykersmummy says:

    I Ryker Boo Schumi PomPom McDonald swear to uphold the integrity of #wlf and to follow all rules and traditions. I will widdle yowl and cuddle comrades as required. Vive la resistance.

  263. Poshiepaws says:

    I would like to become a member of your esteemed organisation! I am ready to go out there and do you proud!


  264. Rouge Cat (@rouge_cat) says:

    I’ve been rouge as long as I can remember, I guess I’ve always been looking for a cause…….#wlf is that cause!

    I pledge my allegiance to #wlf


  265. I, Horatio Szmidmeister, do solemnly swear to uphold the codes and principals of the #wlf. I will patrol my area – both inside & out – on a regular basis as well as take cat naps whenever & wherever possible (but mainly on my snuggly throw on the pillow on the bed) I place my paw on my favourite catnip ball & pledge to honour my comrades. I will only leave little kitty poopies for those who are unworthy.

    Reporting for duty Sir/Ma’am !!! @HSzmidMeister

  266. Beatrice and Cats says:

    i pledge my wish to join the #wlf to support my fellow colleagues and kerp within the rules of the #wlf


  267. Bella (@GingerBellaCat) says:

    I can be a proud member of #wlf I promise some things, and keep to try it.

  268. I Fredlet promise to abide by da code of #wlf

  269. Well, that sounds interesting, and I must say I’m in support of some elements of it. I’m not sure that your socialist ideals mesh entirely with my ambition to be Supreme Feline Overlord of the world, however. @MrBumpyCat

  270. @kodocat says:

    I @kodocat think the code is wonderful and I promise to uphold its principles.

  271. Mittens & Anakin says:

    We @stinkerswinkers pledge to try and be the best furriends/anipals we can and follow the #wlf code. We promise to promote charity and try to abolish animal cruelty. We promise to keep Mumz safe from moths and creeping crawlies. We will patrol window sills and patio doors to watch for intruders potty boxing in Mumz plants and commiting naughties.

    Mittens & Anakin @stinkerswinkers

  272. Ben Watson says:

    I, @Bear_Mewpal raise my right paw and accept the code of the #wlf. I promise allegiance to the #wlf at all times and will be a good helper and member. The #wlf is a great organization consisting of the best mewfrIends and anipals there is. Your friend, @Bear_Mewpal

  273. Fester (@LeighButler3) says:

    I, Fester, would find it an absolute honour to join WLF and become a proud member of such a prestigious gathering of the finest puddies in all the land. I love my treats and wholly agree to campaign for unlimited snacks from deli counters and the like. I will also proudly patrol my terriority throughout the day (between napping and grooming, of course). *Salutes fellow comrades* #wlf

  274. I, Ms. Molly Cat, @taliessa, do solemnly swear to uphold the honor of the #wlf code and conduct So help me Bast. I always have the bestest nommies and food. I guard my house and check out all the visitors who come in. They all have to pass inspection.

  275. I, Jake, do solemnly swear to uphold the code and principles of #wlf and should I receive a beret like my Aunty Widu I will wear it with pride once I am old enough to have my own account!

    I, Elwood, promise the same as my brother in honour of my Aunty Widu!

  276. Mr. Rambo says:

    I Mr. RAMBO accept. The #wlf code. I promise to be the best comrade I can be. All paws down! !!! This is catriffic ^„^

  277. Bear MeowFriend says:

    If ok, I’m gonna work very very hard to get to join the wonderful #wlf =^.^= I’m a nice ragdoll kitty that loves all my kind anipals. Anipals are so much nicer than peoples. @Bear_MewFriend I think the code of conduct is awesome – we need to help our fellow friends. : )

  278. I wear my beret with pride.

  279. Felix Abramovitz (@realfelixthecat) says:

    I, Felix would like to join the #wlf as I admire any group that is for the pampered treatment of cats (or any other species) . If I should receive a beret, I shall pose in pictures with it on proudly. Thanks!

  280. Hi my name is jackson #wlf I would like to join the WLF Salute you all I am sure i will be a pawsome for the cause

  281. Tuxi says:

    Hi! A while ago I realized I joined the wlf during an informal tweet conversation. Therefore, I would like to put my pledge in print for posteriority. Ahem…I, Tuxi Stringer solemnly swear to uphold the wlf code of conduct, including respect and tolerance of all species, good citizenship and sportsmanship, and always sharing my Temptations/Dreamies. I also will perform my duty as Alpha Cat of the Sunroom and do my patrols of the Order of the Most Comfortable Bow Window. If given the honor of wearing a wlf beret, I will wear it proudly! Tuxi @Tuxicat10

  282. @ScarySmarKitty says:

    I will be a comrade. I am a socialist kitty who patrols diligently, demands excellent treats and toys and sleeps in the best places. I seek world domination.

  283. We Bucky and Lucky pledge allegiance to the #wlf. We will proudly uphold all rules and traditions and keep up on our patrols.

  284. I hereby pledge allegiance to the #wlf, patrolling is my job and I am an expert in the capturing of any pesky rodent i.e mouses. I shall be purry happy to be a comrade.

  285. princess bianco says:

    i would luke to join the #wlf to uphold the rules and pledge my allegance i will support my comrades at all times and do patrols as necessary

  286. #wlf i wish to pledge my allegance to the WLF and live within its boundaries and code of conduct i hope ou receive this safely

  287. I Papi carlson agree to the code and code of conduct and will be honored to join #wlf

  288. I Mr Leo Peeps @ mr_peeps4, with a paw on the book of catnip, declare that I will uphold all #wlf rules. I will look after my semi-feral brofur Ringo, as he’s not too fond of humans. I will try not to run from the tiled/laminate floor to barf on the beige carpet. I will leave a trail of ginger fuzz on all clothes and furnishings in the house. I will not catch birdies, cos I’m a housecat, but will still chatter through the windows at them.

  289. Amy Duff says:

    We, the @MeowMonsters, are reporting for duty. We promise to snooze, patrol, look out for the welfare of fellow anipals (even the d-o-g!) and be outrageously demanding….shouldn’t be too hard!? Mol ^,,^

  290. catgeorgi says:

    I agree whole heartedly with ur code!!

  291. I Countess of Bramley which to join and abide by the rules of the #wlf and make sure daily patrols are done in and outside of my home I am passionate about animal rights and hope you will accept me asa member.

  292. I am Countess Mimi of Bramley @lesichovo10@yahoo.co.uk I promise to abide by the rules of #wlf and make sure daily checks inside and outside are done regularly i will ensure high quality of food eaten and checks to be made i will ensure comfy beds and get my allocated rest periods i will fight for animal rights and changes in animal welfare laws hope you will accept me I will be a good member purrrr

  293. I countess of Bramley promise to abide by the conduct of the #wlf protecting my territory with daily checks inside and outside, ensure high quality of food eaten and ensure comfy beds to sleep on i will continue to fight for animal rights and changes in animal welfare laws i hope you will accept me i am sure i will be a good member.

  294. Mastertabbywan says:

    I want to join 🙂

  295. @claudiab53
    I the Duchess of bramley promis to abide by the code of the #wlf protecting my perimeter with peridic checks in windows, eating high quality norms, and napping in my favourite beds I will purr loudyly on a regular basis. I will continue to fight for the changes in animal rights and changes to animal welfare laws.

  296. DUchess of Bramley says:

    @claudiab53 i woild like to join #wlf

  297. FeralKiki says:

    My brofur (@HandsomeTravis) is a proud member of #wlf, and btw he looks really adorable in the beret. I’m a new member to the household after being an outside feral for two years! I would love to wear a #wlf beret myself and meet new friends just like Travis! Ferals are good kitties and I *raises paw* promise to abide by the #wlf codes and conduct. *Purrs* especially the napping and perimeter checks. Guard, Guard!

  298. @cybercat919 says:

    I Sir William promise to abide by the #wlf code purrfectly protecting my perimeter with periodic checks in windows, eating high quality noms, and napping in my favorite green chair. I will yeowelll and purr very loudly on a regular basis. My hoomum will continue to fight for
    the changes in #AnimalRights and the changes in animal welfare laws.

  299. @cybercat919 says:

    is pawsitively something Sir William would be proud to join. avi pic on twitter @cybercat919

  300. Tracey Grainger says:

    @Fleabag1Tracey Fred cat reporting for dutie!

  301. Rocky, Layla, Ella, Cleo, Ninja and I want a hat, oh puhleeze! @EarlHarrisPhoto

  302. dylan and marley says:

    we teh bobs @thecatbobs vow to uphold teh code of teh wlf to its highest standerds; in honer of our foster mum who took us in when we had no playce else to go. she is good peeple and repreesents what teh code is all about, byeing us tastie glooten-free treets for our fussie tummies. we will protect her home and her familie from nastie spiders, whilst perched upon the soft throne she gave us to sleep.

  303. Katie says:

    Meow. I do swear to follow the code from this day forward without deviation, hesitation or repetition. @elmo_the_cat

  304. The CatNipKing says:

    *holds paw to chest* I, the CapNip King, plead my allegiance to the #wlf cause and from this day forth will honour and obey the rules of the cause. Meow

  305. Walter Katz says:

    I @Walterkatz15 solemnly swear to abide by the code of the #wlf, so help me Cat.

  306. I @Leoblue31 have read and do hereby agree to do my duties as listed by the #wlf code from this day forth and for the rest of my days I am here.

  307. Dylan says:

    *raises paw* I, @DylCat1, intend to demand a comfy cushion as soon as Mom gets home. Who knew we were entitled to cushions?!
    I’m already quite skilled at getting her to give me the best treats, home-grown nip, and ham. Mmmmm ham….*drool*
    I promise to be vigilant in patrolling and napping and will stand paw in paw with other #WLF members!

  308. The Fuzzles says:

    We Fuzzles (@thefuzzlecats) regularly patrol our interior borders in case of any and all intrusions (usually birds) and leave them unharmed due to unfortunate invention of inpenatrable clear substance (our purrson calls this ‘glass’ and ‘window’). We do hunt prey (small inanimate objects found in home) and present to staff when staff has pleased us. We are proud and honoured to join this cause and gee those little hats look so damn cute!!

  309. Kitty Chesney says:

    I have a cowboy hat but would love to be a part of the #WLF

  310. @EdnasPanky
    I, Panky,would be honored to be part of the #wlf. I have read the Code and wholeheartedly agree to them.

  311. @mssavvydo
    I would be honored to join #wlf if you will have me. I have only recently acquired my forever home with appropriate staff…huMom and huDad…both Ad-dress me as Mr Eliot described…so no problem there. My blog is my autobiography at least what I remember before being rescued…and I will be detailing my recovery process…involving both mental and fitness recovery (kind of a shattered trust syndrome and well…errr…um mm…I became a secret night nommer so I kind’a have a bit of a butt I am trying to firm up and tone)..So with my right paw on the catnip tub, I swear I will up hold the CODE to best of my ability. Hope ya let me join…promise to immediately start using #wlf in all my tweets once I get your permission. paw pats, Savannah

  312. @SocksMcDonald & @LunaMcDonald says:

    We want to join #wlf, our mama only feeds us the best food & treats. We protect our territory all day when were not sleeping.

  313. Sandy says:

    *paw salute*

  314. lolly @lollthecat says:

    I hereby swear that i will keep the code of #WLF. I would be proud to become a member @lollythecat

  315. I will be a proud member of #wlf

  316. @whiteNinjacat Aka Ai-Chan says:

    I swear by the rules of #Wlf and to fight for injustice and add the #wlf hash tag

    I hope I did ok ?

  317. As a cativist and DJ, I know I could rock this organization for all my animal friends!

  318. Tiger Cat Neely says:

    I would like to be a member of the #WLF! I pledge to honor the cause! @TigerCatNeely

  319. Oscar (@StephenFrysCat) is otherwise engaged, (eating) but he sent this message, “A very worthy manifesto, I salute you and pledge my support to the #wlf Now please can I have my hat?”

    Victoria 🙂

  320. i agree to these rules and look forward to the being a comrade

  321. I, Sir Fitzroy Le Muse De La Rouge, (aka @DisapprovingKit) pledge to proudly uphold the rules and traditions of #WLF, purrticularly when something with wings flies into the house. It is truly an honour to be among such like minded cats (and others!)

  322. TonyTiger says:

    I’ve made some awesome #WLF friends on Twitter. Can a tiger join WLF? My Twitter @TonyTiger2000

  323. clyde_e_kitten says:

    I pledge allegiance to the #wlf, I will do my upmost while awake to catch vermin varmints, Spiders n flys. Death to flying rats & tree rats. I also pledge to refrain from drinking milk straight from the carton, well, when being watched at least. Up the #wlf, long live the #wlf

  324. trickycatz says:

    I promise to keep our flat rodent & spider free, if I could I’d bump off the pigeons too cos they leave mess on the window! Vive la #WLF

  325. MittenKitty says:

    Iz would like to join the WLF. Iz already following the code.

  326. Elmo says:

    Elmo, and my ginger friend Lennie promise to follow the code. x

  327. Elmo says:

    Sounds purrfect….me and Lennie will follow the code!

  328. SukielovesKatz says:

    I promise to abide by the WLF code and will not break rules. I am a Burmilla born in Devon and I live with my three male and two female rescued kitties. Three of my brothers and one sister were rescued in London and brought to Devon and we all live in harmony together.

  329. I am deeply honoured to be a member and will aim to purrlease my comrades at all times as is my feline duty #pawhugs to all comrades

  330. I would like to be a member, I thought I signed this but maybe I signed the wrong page, does this count as signing?

  331. Sounds like a cause we can get our paws behind! Count us in.#wlf

  332. moderaterisk says:

    I, @MrRomeoCat, would love to be a member of WLF. *raises right paw in solidarity* I purromise to abide by the rules of the WLF with all of my caturbilities. I will watch birds through the window, watch over my sistfur Ms. Kitty, and love my saffpurrsons. *right paw salute*

  333. Roger (@cabincutey) says:

    I am Roger the Fierce! I am an Irish Ginger boy but living in England – but I never forget my roots. I would be very proud to wear the beret of the WLF. My staff wait on me paw & paw, and I have them wrapped around my paw. I always get the best seat in the house and the middle of the bed.
    I don’t have any sisfurs or brofurs so I really want to be part of the WLF.
    I promise I will always follow the code

  334. Leothekitty1 says:

    I promise like my sis nutkin and all anipals to follow the code

  335. @mia_bsh_cat says:

    It’s a proud moment for me

  336. @mia_bsh_cat says:

    I would love to be a member of #wlf it would be a great honour. Mia pecan @mia_bsh_cat

  337. WLF Mad Hatter says:

    Comrade, I believe you already have a hat?

  338. WLF Mad Hatter says:

    Spook, What is your twitter name?

  339. Spook says:

    I would like to sign the code but I am not sure how ….so …. can you consider this note as signing? I would so like a lovely Beret!!!

  340. Euripides says:

    i regularly patrol the rear patio from
    The kitchen and the front of our townhouse from the window. I have my very own chair and several fleece blankets. As i am on a diet my treats are limited but i demand to be brished and stroked and i enjoy sprawling on Daddees desk, especially when he is trying to work!!!

  341. I Penelope Q.T McKitty (@PennyMcKitty) would very much like to join #wlf. I is promising to be uplholding all the rules ans I even knowses the efurrybuddy want to be a cat song. I will make sure my brof-fur Remy McWhisker (@RemyMcWhisker) behavs himsalf

  342. I Remington Q.T McWhisker swear to uphold the code of the #wlf. I will patrol tirelessly each night and ask my Mem for Dreamies regularly. I will nap as often as possible and keep all the staffs well trained

  343. lo we at swampbunnies agree totally with these ideals we rabbits demand crazins and us cats demand all the tuna and temptations in the land. We are also totally against creulty comrades esp. since human saved us from abusive homes. We are a rag tag bunch but that just makes us hail and hearty. Are human is sadly intrained but we have a plan to fix this oversight, though the naps get in the way 🙂

  344. *holds up right paw* Ai Cookie, do heerby pledge alleegence to tha #WLF and all that is has standings fur. I will take care of all aminals grate and small, and only chases the mice that are of the catnip variety. I will pawtrol the insyde of the house endlessly and give great carings to making sure all is within the pawper WLF standerds.This i do plege with grate vigor.

  345. Farah Baldwin says:

    I @FrufruB have been feeding the #wlf comrades for some time now and wondered if I might apply for my Molly-MayB and Khamsin to join the wlf. They promise to abide by the code at all times and would both dearly love to earn their berets

  346. Louieboy2 says:

    I promises and pledges to do my daily patrols of our garden borders and bridlepath and field. I will shoooo of the big white intruder who comes along every night- I hisses and growls and frows myself at window. I catches as many mousies and other things as I can. #wlf

  347. ZobyDoby1 says:

    I pledges and promises [and so does my sisfur Flo] in the name of catnip and tuna chunks that we will live by the #wlf code. Never shall we waver, even in the face of adversititty. *raises right paws as a sign of solidarity* #wlf forever Meoooooooow!!!

  348. Garden Katz says:

    I want to join my partner, Kendall Katz, in the #WLF. I pledge to abide by the #WLF code!

  349. I hereby abide to the #wlf code and am ready for any mission required by you purrr purrr

  350. Flo says:

    I hereby pledge my allergiesences to the #wlf code *raises right paw in salute*

  351. Katie Isabella says:

    I absolutely will abide by our #WLF Code.

  352. I pledge to up hold the code and ethics of #WLF

  353. nelliejean says:

    My feline overlord, @morriscat, has me so well indoctrinated that I dyed my hair orange to match his fur; bought a load of expensive orange yarn to knit with; and dream about the WLF! I also buy treats for his less-spoiled cat-friends who hang around outside 😉

    Viva la WLF!

  354. Katie Isabella says:

    Like my sisfur Admiral Hestorb lately of the Rainbow Bridge, I pledge to do all things to bring honor to our #WLF.

  355. My kitty is @KesTheCat on Twitter.
    Kes: *holds up her paw* Ai Kes Sophie Alyssa du sawlemlee sware tu uphold teh rools adn conduct ob teh WLF. Ai prawmiss tu purrtect mai fellow comrades adn ubber anipals.

  356. Xeni Pie says:

    Welcomes to Chav & Posh *high paws*.

  357. Chavcat and Poshcatathena says:

    I @chavcat and my sisfur @poshcatathena solmenly swear to be proud members of #wlf

  358. I love being in the #wlf and all my #wlf anipals. *Stands tall on two paws and salutes*.

  359. Xeni Pie says:

    @xenipie is my twitter, but sometimes I pretty it up to Xeni Pie when I forget.

  360. Xeni Pie says:

    I pwomise to catch dat Pesky_Cat so’s you can help me teach him orl about da #wlf an its gud wurks.

  361. lil_g says:

    Would be proud to be a member of wlf

  362. We solemnly swear to support the #wlf we pawmise! Zoe n Rexie Burma Babies

  363. @JemJellyBelly says:

    I promise to loudly and enthusiastically support these ideals and begin regular patrols around the perimeter, starting after my nap. And I am most in favor of higher-quality snacks. I pledge not to torment my sisfur, @ScoutsTweets, and am counting on her endorsement of my membership. #wlf forever (raises paw)

  364. clingycat says:

    CaptainWorm-Sparrow (kitten), ably supervised by Jazz (mature cat), both purr loudly to enforce the #WLF code with staff & all visiting bipeds. We meow for best quality noms presented promptly & knead plump laps for pats & head scritches.
    The felines & fluffier of our domicile recognize that those with fur are the true rulers & as such take responsibility for regular security patrols, checking especially for escape routes undiscovered by humum & for the maintenance of soft comfy perches, including fur distribution.

  365. _TiggerSaysMeow says:

    I wish to become a member of the WLF as I think it is about time I got on ny paws and started to protect my territory!

  366. Wlf Mad Hatter says:

    thank you all comrades

  367. Gizemo cat & Emo cat says:

    Weez feel needed and wanted positive kat action

  368. Tuxi says:

    Hi! I became a member-wow! Was it in 2010?-and am very proud! I have reminded my Mom and typist to please use the hashtag #wlf in correspondence. Please forgive her as she just turned 50 in human years (350 in dog years, 156 in cat years). I love my comrades and love the WLF! Tuxi Stringer

  369. gingiebuttoncat says:

    I @gingiebuttoncat am hoping to become member of #wlf I may sometimes not get on with my black and white housemate Poppy because she steals my noms but I will honour the code and patrol my territory! Except if those labradors come visit, then I has to run away and hide!!

  370. Now all is clear! I will wear my beret with pride. Meeeooow!

  371. msjonc says:

    Proud to be a member of the WLF and I hope to always be worthy of the beret I aspire to wear one day soon.

  372. BigBoyBosco says:

    I Big Boy Bosco, will use my strength and love of all animals to protect and serve any and all things related to the #WLF.
    I shall do so with honor and dignity, and promise to stop chasing kitteh forthwith.

  373. I am so proud to be a member.

  374. Janet Bishop says:

    oldladybishop @oldladybishop) Your cause is just. Rock on little critters.

  375. [salutes] Reddy & willin’ 2 surv.

  376. GizmoGeodog says:

    I join the noble cause on behalf of my kitty brofur Mau

  377. Admiral Hestorb says:

    I loves the #WLF and stand to do it honor!

  378. eleishharvey says:

    we will stand united tall and proud, and stick together at all times, except wen the treats and grub appears, then its every man for him or her self, i will defend my humanz against mothies, waspies and other nasties, i am phoebe the brave charmed cat, i promise not to kill the spiders because mummy likes them, even though my sister knocked three legs of one before mummy could stop her and it limped towards the plug hole, ha, er sorry. it makes me furry sad when animals are cruelly treated when we are so loved. power to the animals. love phoebe rose. xxxx

  379. Frankencat1 says:

    sounds purrfect for me.

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