Attn: #wlf #catference 4: Caturday 4 May 2013

Comrades of the #wlf

Catmittee has called for another catference to remind us of our roots.

The date is Caturday 4 May 2013. Catmittee has asked that volunteers to lead sessions make suggestions in comments on this post. A catference programme will be assembled  from these suggestions nearer the date.

If previous catferences are anything to go by, it will be a great day.

#viva #wlf

About Eldrid
I help cats remember things.

31 Responses to Attn: #wlf #catference 4: Caturday 4 May 2013

  1. I agree with comrades Flo & Greebo, we must maintain our revolutionary focus eg building the #occupy movement within the feline community (and the importance of plentiful comfy cushions, fresh bed linens, etc for occupying); developing inter-species solidarity (one naps, all nap!); the glorious 5-year prawn production plan; and of course the central importance of Widdling on Gove.

    As Emma Goldman’s cat once remarked, if I can’t barf, it’s not my revolution, in which spirit I would be happy to lead a short fringe meeting on The Importance of Barfing In The Anti-Imperialist Struggle, with the emphasis on practical paws-on strategies.

  2. I’d like to get some feedback on a more persistant platform than for our fallen comrades, but I won’t be able to introduce it in time.

  3. catherine dorrell says:

    maybe we need to highlight any companies who still insist on using animal testing for products such as cosmetics and sometimes even cat food (iams used to do this) and cruel practices such as de-clawing cats.

  4. Pud says:

    A ‘warning’ or ‘advisory’ notice on tweets which contain graphic text or pictures of animal cruelty.We all know it goes on,but some of our younger members or more sensitive members may be upset by graphic contents.If things are labelled they will then know to open then item with caution.

    • Katie Isabella says:

      I completely agree, and I have had to block those folks sadly. I can’t look…it stays with me forever.

  5. I fink we should consider setting up a special operations unit to deal wiv the horrid evil people wiv pigeon lofts who shoot, poison, trap & kill the cats who come into their gardens.
    Also to deal wiv the horrid evil people who keep other birds in avairies or rear birds for shooting (like pheasant) and who set cage traps baited wiv food in hedgerows for cats & then shoot them. (I haz press article I can to bring to catference written by person who admits this & I haz done some research on relevant law). Poor ferals get no legal protection & it is doubtful that these people care whether it iz a true feral or someone’s pet out on patrol that they have caught & killed)
    We should be taking action to protect our comrades who have no staff of their own to protect them.

  6. I would like to recommend discussing ways in which we can help my friends @Fe_Jas with their Cold Wet Nose Day campaign. There also seems to be a bit of subtle mud slinging at the #wlf by a certain club on Twitter (who shall remain nameless) perhaps we could address this.

  7. I think we should pass a beret round at some point in proceedings to make a small voluntary collection to help less fortunate felines. Praps the founders could decide on the best recipient. I favours any group helping ferals myself cos they are unloved & persecuted.

  8. I think it would be helpful for many of us to have a session on ways to support friends/charities if one can’t afford a big financial contribution or pawty prize donation. Thank you. (Sorry I’m not wearing my beret. Just had my Easter Bonnet picture taken.)

  9. As pals knows there iz a #TributeRide by #BBOT #PA once a munff to honour #wlf comrades & others who have gone OTRB and a flight by da #TheAviators once a quarter. Could we have a section on dis bloggy where names of those who have passed could be writted. This would make it easier for sending details to for the tribute organisers & help make sure no one gets left out . Also would encourage pals to light #wlf candles for them & fambly & pals left behind.

  10. Mia and Manu says:

    It would be nice to have a #WLF calendar for events on this site. The calendar on the Anipal Times is good but not always used.

  11. I would like to stress the importance of the #wlfNursingCorps and it’s role in supporting our sick and in need anipals. Training, rotas, porch duty, paw circles. And give thanks to the Corps founders, Jessie Janey & Betsy Blue Eyes. Am proud to be one of their first recruits as mom staff was a nurse. Fanku Eldrid >^..^<

    • Betsy says:

      It was JJ that was our founder and first matron. We could use it to appeal for new cadets?

    • Katie Isabella says:

      Betsy was at @AdmiralHestorbs side when she was in hospital those 4 days and nights and when she first got out. We are forever grateful.

  12. Greebo Blackcat says:

    More actions whenever those silly UKIP people are on the tellybox. And more widdling on Tories.

  13. Mikey_w_cat says:

    Can I request that we ask Jake Mews and Mrs C to do a section on pasty making. Thanks

  14. Flo_Tortoise says:

    Catference needs to address:
    Refocus on socialist campaigning roots
    Support for #wednesdaywiddle and anti Tory yowling
    Revolutionary noms
    I also propose debate on urgent need to widdle on UKIP and lookalike policies appearing wherever we look
    And more noms
    And good quality cushions

    • I second what Flo says. We IS da #wlf a Socialist collective of fur/shell/feathered and scaled anipals who must unite against all Tory dribble. Widdling on pretencious UKIP always a purrleasure
      Revolutionary noms always welcome
      And naps
      Where’s ma cushion?

    • Goblin says:

      I finks dat what Flo says is right. Dat we needs to return to some proper #wlf activities cos we has been widdling on da last few Wednesdays and not many catses has joined in wiv da widdling. More yowling would be good too cos we used to do a lot of yowling when I was a cadet and we doesn’t do dat much yowling now. I want revolutionary nomses too…. lots of dem, and we needs to encourage comrades to drink a lot of OFT so dat dey widdles effectively

    • Agreed Flo. But I’d like to expand the widdles on conservatives and labours of all nations. And of course, widdle on capitalism.

  15. Jerra Hood/Tinkie Weed says:
    I would be happy to help anyway I can. I promise to behave and not create any problems with the #wlf participants. Working with others would be good too as long as they are not blocking me on Twitter, like two comrades. I enjoy WLF and its functions. Feel free to let me know.

  16. NikePurrfektCat says:

    I would be willing to lead a session on any number of topics: u pick any that appeal to u! I would be happy to help out.

  17. I’d like to run a session on the #wlfhealingbank if possible. Freddy was asked at a moment’s notice to do a short presentation last year, and so I think a re-run of the session would help, especially as we have lost so many valued comrades over the last year or so.

  18. I’ll try and be online, can I suggest that a central clearing house for bad things people have heard with regard to possible abusers be discussed if someone can run it, so that if a name comes up more than once it can be flagged for members wanting info if, say, looking to rehome themselves because their humans have problems… there’s a lot of rumours that float around but some of them turn out to have a basis in truth, and it’s so easy for people to misrepresent themselves over the web.

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